The Register: Thousands of orgs at risk of knowledge base data leaks via ServiceNow misconfigurations (Read More)
“ServiceNow is committed to fostering collaboration with the security community. We are committed to protecting our customers’ data, and security researchers are important partners in our ongoing efforts to improve the security of our products.
We would like to extend our thanks to AppOmni and its Chief of SaaS Security Research, Aaron Costello, for their thorough and dedicated efforts to enhance the security of our products. Their willingness to respect industry practices and delay publication of their research provided us and our customers time to evaluate and appropriately configure the accessibility of KB articles. In addition to ServiceNow’s ongoing customer education on this issue, such collaboration reflects AppOmni’s commitment to fostering a collaborative SaaS security industry, and AppOmni’s research and support demonstrates the value of SaaS vendors and security providers working together.”
—Ben De Bont, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at ServiceNow
Key Takeaways
- ServiceNow’s updates to ACLs in 2023 improved data protection but didn’t affect Knowledge Bases (KBs).
- Data exposure risks are still present across many enterprise instances.
- Outdated configurations and misconfigured access controls in KBs are exposing sensitive data in many ServiceNow instances.
- To mitigate these issues, organizations should run regular diagnostics on KB access controls to keep security configurations updated, and use Business Rules to deny unauthenticated access to KB content by default.
Over the past year, I’ve conducted extensive research into the ServiceNow platform to identify areas of the product that could be misused for the purpose of data exfiltration. The release of this research has led to some promising developments in the security of the ServiceNow product. These developments include:
- The introduction of new security properties that prevent select widgets from granting unauthenticated users access to data unless explicitly set to do so
- The inception of ‘Security Attributes’, a new addition to Access Control Lists (ACLs). This includes a specific check to verify if unauthenticated users are allowed access to the data in question. This new Security Attribute check was added to most ACLs by default.
This double-layered approach to data security was a welcome change. But unfortunately, these changes did not provide any added protections to one of the most prevalent sources of data exposure; the Knowledge Base (KB). While there are legitimate uses for externally facing information, KBs can be a treasure trove of sensitive internal data intended only for the eyes of an organization’s staff.
By leveraging my previous research and introducing new testing methodologies over the span of a year, I’ve uncovered that over 1,000 individual instances tested had unintentionally exposed data from KBs. This equates to nearly 45% of total enterprise instances I had tested during that time. In many of these cases, it was observed that organizations that have more than one instance of ServiceNow had consistently misconfigured KB access controls across each one. This could indicate a systematic misunderstanding of KB access controls or possibly the accidental replication of at least one instance’s poor controls to another through cloning. These instances were considered by the affected organizations to be sensitive in nature, such as PII, internal system details, and active credentials / tokens to live production systems.
Why are KBs still exposing data?
Prerequisite: For those unfamiliar with the concept of User Criteria, I highly recommend reading up on the topic within the official ServiceNow documentation before proceeding.
In the previous section, I mentioned the effective two-pronged approach that ServiceNow took to tackle unauthenticated data exposure. The root cause (misconfigured ACLs), was mitigated through the default addition of a security attribute to out-of-the-box (OOB) ACLs, while the avenues for data exposure (public widgets) were mitigated through the addition of system properties which restricted what data that the widgets could query.
There are two reasons why this proved ineffective to secure the KB:
- Public widgets that can be used to access the content of KB articles did not receive the update, which prevented them accessing data without being added to an allow-list.
- The vast majority of KBs are secured using User Criteria as opposed to ACLs, rendering the addition of the ‘UserIsAuthenticated’ Security Attribute redundant since it is an ACL exclusive feature.
Whilst this explains why the security of the KB has not improved as of late, it doesn’t necessarily explain why organizations are struggling to secure it in the first place. Historically, the feature has struggled from a security standpoint, with another researcher in 2020 reporting that he had found a large amount of sensitive data using a previously public UI page, which has long since been secured.
Through analysis of examined affected instances, I believe the current insecure state of most KBs comes down to several key points:
- The main guardrail, a security property that denies access by default to KBs without User Criteria, is enabled by default for instances created since the Orlando release. Most enterprise instances have been around for far longer, causing them to still retain the previously insecure ‘allow public access by default’ value. This was the case for around 60% of enterprise instances analyzed. Additionally, when this property is securely configured, only defining a ‘Can Contribute’ on a KB will still allow unauthenticated users to read insecure articles within it. On top of this single guardrail, there is a complicated relationship between multiple other system properties and how they affect access depending on how controls are implemented for a KB.
- The OOB User Criteria can be misleading to the untrained eye. Whilst there is an explicit ‘Guest User’ criteria for granting unauthenticated access, many administrators are unaware that other less-explicitly named criterias also grant access to unauthenticated users. Namely, the ‘Any User’ and ‘Any user for kb’ criterias which tend to be incorrectly used as an allow-list.
- In cases where User Criteria is set on a KB, it is more often than not only set on the allow-lists (‘Can Read’) and the deny-list (‘Cannot’ Read’) is ignored as a result. Because of the complicated nature of User Criteria, this can allow external users to slip through the cracks and be granted access.
At the bottom of this article, I’ve taken the liberty of mentioning how many of these factors can be better mitigated. But prior to that, I’d like to demonstrate exactly how an unauthenticated malicious actor could access an insecure KB article.
Proof of Concept
Prerequisite: A HTTP proxy such as Burp Suite is required to conduct the proof of concept.
There are many widgets that can be used while unauthenticated to retrieve information from KB articles. However for the sake of this PoC, I will showcase the use of the ‘KB Article Page’ widget and will use it against a KB that has been purposefully made public through insufficient access controls. The primary reason for using this widget is that it allows for easy brute-forcing of article IDs, which are incremental in nature and of the format KBXXXXXXX where X represents a positive integer. This integer can be automatically incremented, starting from KB0000001, using Burp Suite’s Intruder feature to quickly iterate over and identify articles that may be exposed unintentionally. This is in contrast to other widgets that expect the UUID of the article which is extremely difficult to guess.
- Ensure Burp Suite is proxying HTTP requests. Navigate to your ServiceNow instance, but do not authenticate.
- Within the History tab of Burp Suite, locate any HTTP request to the instance and send it to the Repeater tab.
- Look for another request in Burp Suite History to the root path of the site (/) and locate the g_ck javascript variable in the response as seen below. Copy its value.

4. Navigate to the Repeater request from step (2) and make the following changes:
- Modify the HTTP path to the following /api/now/sp/widget/c6545050ff223100ba13ffffffffffe8?sys_id=KB_NUMBER_HERE’. Replace KB_NUMBER_HERE with the number of the known public KB article.
- Change the HTTP verb/method to POST.
- Add the following header: X-Usertoken and provide it the value of
copied from step (3).
Once these changes are made, the request should look similar to the following:

5. Send the request.

In the above response, the following information is shown with the most useful highlighted in orange:
- kbName: The name of the owning KB
- author: The name of the author who wrote the article
- short_description: The short description field of the article
- text: The full content of the article
- rating: The current rating of the article
- publishedUtc: The date in UTC TZ when the article was first published
- sys_id: The record UUID of the article
- categoryDisplay: The plaintext category name to which the article belongs
As demonstrated, all sensitive data is returned within the response, particularly the short_description and text fields. Evidently, this widget’s ability to quickly iterate over KB numbers to rapidly retrieve information is extremely useful for an attacker who can send requests in quick succession and even facilitates them to attack multiple ServiceNow instances simultaneously without much bandwidth.
How to Mitigate ServiceNow KB Data Risks
Be Aware of Relevant Security Properties
As mentioned earlier, the KB security properties can act as important security guardrails that greatly affect how access control is dictated when both internal and external users attempt to access data. Below is a curated table of these properties, in descending order of risk and importance in my opinion.
Property Name | Description | Level | Recommended Value | Consequence of Misconfiguration |
glide.knowman.block_access_with_no_user_criteria | *Will deny access in the event that KBs / KB Articles do not contain at least one User Criteria in the ‘Can Read’ or ‘Can Contribute’ fields. This setting is represented in ServiceNow’s security center as ‘Restrict Knowledge Bases Access’. | Both KB and KB Article | True | Both authenticated and unauthenticated individuals can read KBs in the event that they (and their associated articles) have no User Criteria set. |
glide.knowman.apply_article_read_criteria | Requires that users must also be granted explicit ‘Can Read’ access at the KB article level, even if they possess ‘Can Contribute’ at the KB level | KB Article | True | Any users encapsulated within a KB’s ‘Can Contribute’ list have the ability to read all of the KB’s articles regardless of their ‘Can Read’ criteria. |
glide.knowman.section.view_roles.draft | Defines a list of roles that can view KB articles that are in a ‘Draft State’ | KB Article | knowledge_admin, admin | All users within the defined roles have the ability to view articles which may not have gone under appropriate review and contain sensitive information. | | Defines a list of roles that can view KB articles that are in a ‘Review’ state | KB Article | itil,knowledge,knowledge_admin,admin | All users within the defined roles have the ability to view articles which may not have gone under appropriate review and contain sensitive information. |
glide.knowman.section.view_roles.stagesAndRoles | Defines a list of roles that can view KB articles that are in a custom state | KB Article | knowledge_admin, admin | All users within the defined roles have the ability to view articles that exist in a custom state. |
glide.knowman.show_unpublished | Show unpublished articles | KB Article | False | Unpublished articles may contain sensitive information and if this value is not set to false, could be viewed by anyone with read access to the article. |
*Note: If ‘Can Contribute’ is set, but no ‘Can Read’ / ‘Cannot Read’ is defined on the owning KB, unauthenticated users will have access to insecure articles within it.
Activate OOB Business Rule(s) to Prevent Unauthenticated Access By Default
When it comes to security, I always advise organizations to take advantage of the powerful customization capabilities that ServiceNow is known for. In mid 2022, ServiceNow introduced a Business Rule (sys_id 6c8ec5147711111016f35c207b5a9969) which adds the Guest User to the Cannot Read and Cannot Contribute User Criteria of a KB when it is first created. It is imperative that Administrators ensure this Business Rule is still activated on their platform since User Criteria prioritizes ‘Deny’ over ‘Allow’. This has the added benefit of still preventing access in the event that the ‘Can Read’ criteria accidentally includes the Guest User.
Routinely Run Diagnostics on KB Access Controls
ServiceNow’s built-in User Criteria diagnostics tool allows administrators to quickly determine which users, both authenticated and unauthenticated, have the ability to access both KBs and also individual articles. To identify which KBs are public, administrators may navigate to / of their instance. To pinpoint individual articles that can be accessed by the public or to investigate the level of access possessed by non-public users, I recommend leveraging the full diagnostics tool located at / of the ServiceNow instance.
Maintain Communication with ServiceNow
Lastly, it’s imperative that organizations maintain current contact information with ServiceNow to receive communications on the latest security updates and outreach from the ServiceNow security team. In January 2024, ServiceNow sent communications, with follow-ups, to customers who may accidentally have their KBs exposed to public access.
Bolster Your SaaS Security with AppOmni
Since April 2023, I’ve found over 1,000 enterprise instances were exposing sensitive information unintentionally, including PII, internal system details, networking or infrastructure diagrams, and even credentials. With these findings, there’s no doubt that KB articles could be a valuable resource for attackers. In the previous sections, I’ve highlighted the ways in which organizations can help protect themselves from unintended data exposure to the anonymous world. However, without comprehensive customization, it’s difficult to automate on-platform diagnostic processes, and for large instances it can quickly become cumbersome.
At AppOmni, we’ve implemented a combination of best practice policies and automated scanning to ensure that organization’s keep their KB access locked down from unintended access for the foreseeable future. These security capabilities are incorporated into the AppOmni SSPM solution through pioneering research such as this, conducted by AppOmni Labs, in an ongoing effort to identify the known and unknown risks to SaaS.

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Additional Resources
7 Proven Methods for Strengthening ServiceNow Security
Delve into vital Microsoft 365 security practices necessary for your business and discover how AppOmni can enhance the capabilities of Microsoft 365 customers in various sectors.
ServiceNow Security Handbook
Get a solid understanding of ServiceNow’s unique SaaS security risks and learn how to effectively mitigate them with this Security Handbook.
A Technical Analysis and Lessons From The Recent Service Now Misconfiguration Risks
Learn more about the ServiceNow updates to mitigate ACL misconfiguration risks and how to avoid regressing your organization’s data security posture moving forward.