CISO Guide: Preventing Data Exposure Risk for PaaS and SaaS


CISO Guide: Preventing Data Exposure Risk for PaaS and SaaS

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Organizations are increasingly building their bespoke SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) apps on top of PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service). This interesting and growing trend includes the use of hybrid vendors such as Salesforce and ServiceNow. As we rely more on PaaS and SaaS, it is imperative to understand that data exposure represents a high cyber risk in these applications and the entire breach can be conducted in under 5 minutes.

Learn the difference between SaaS and PaaS, their security risks, how these risks compound in hybrid SaaS/PaaS applications such as Salesforce and ServiceNow, and how you can comprehensively secure the business-critical data in your SaaS estate.

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