Component Library

Key Takeaways for long-form blogs


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Accordion Block & Default Setup

Image Gallery

Pull Quote

“This is an example of a pull quote within a body of text like in a post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est worem ipsum.”

Jane Doe
Company Name

Image Variations

This is an example of a caption or photo credit line under 1 image.

Maecenas vitae tincidunt eros, vel tincidunt nibh. Nulla dictum lacus sed neque auctor, non finibus nulla iaculis. Fusce varius varius tortor a rutrum. Nam sodales a lectus et vehicula. Nam non nunc risus. Curabitur scelerisque est eget mi consectetur egestas.

This is an example of a caption or photo credit line under 1 image.

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus. Sed dignissim, metus nec fringilla accumsan, risus sem sollicitudin lacus, ut varius volutpat turpis sed lacinia. Nam eget mi in purus lobortis eleifend. Sed nec ante dictum sem condimentum

Pellentesque malesuada mollis purus nec lobortis. Praesent dignissim nunc non tellus posuere, in blandit mauris viverra. Etiam et vulputate quam. Suspendisse posuere velit sit amet urna fermentum, at vestibulum

This is an example of a caption or photo credit line under 1 image.

Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eu turpis molestie, dictum est a, mattis tellus. Sed dignissim,

Block Pattern – Featured Text

Enterprise-Level SaaS Security

SaaS security is complex. And without a standard security settings framework, IT and Security teams find it nearly impossible to protect the dozens — if not hundreds — of SaaS apps they support.

Block Pattern – Media & Text Block – Standard Left

Securing Current SaaS Apps

Companies need to continuously understand their compliance levels and identify common SaaS data threats such as suspicious logins, brute force attempts, OAuth issues, over-privileged user access, and configuration drift.

How AppOmni Can Help:
  • Identify application misconfigurations & policy violations
  • Alert on suspicious activity
  • Continuously monitor compliance

Customer Use Case: AppOmni helped a large national bank secure Salesforce data after moving data from an on-prem solution to the cloud.

Block Pattern – Media and Text Block – Standard Right

Initial SaaS Implementation

When deploying new SaaS applications, teams are tasked with leveraging a minimum security baseline to ensure SaaS apps are configured properly from initial deployment.

How AppOmni Can Help:
  • Identify application misconfigurations & policy violations
  • Alert on suspicious activity
  • Continuously monitor compliance

Customer Use Case: AppOmni helped a large national bank secure Salesforce data after moving data from an on-prem solution to the cloud.

Block Pattern – Cover – Large

Unmatched Security for Your SaaS Apps

AppOmni SaaS security makes it easy for security and IT teams to protect and monitor their entire SaaS environment.

Block Pattern – Cover – Small

Resource Hub

A collection of our latest articles, videos, news, and more.

Block Pattern – Cover – Page Title

Enterprise-Level SaaS Security

Logo Carousel


Taxonomy Filters

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Query Loop Patterns:

Featured Resources

SaaS security is complex. And without a standard security settings framework, IT and Security teams find it nearly impossible to protect the dozens — if not hundreds — of SaaS apps they support.

  • BOLD not bold
  • not bold BOLD
  • list item