Resource Hub
A collection of our latest articles, videos, news, and more.
Auto-Remediation in SaaS Security
Auto-Remediation is highly requested in SaaS Security. But when is it the best practice? Learn more about the realities and its challenges.
Ping Identity adds some security of its own
Traditional solutions didn’t measure up. But with AppOmni, the IAM security giant received a multi-stage strategy for validating their Salesforce security posture.
Pentests Often Miss 6 Critical Saas Security Issues. Here’s Why.
Intermittent, manual penetration tests create loopholes for security teams when handling SaaS security within extensive deployments.
Common Security Practices Don’t Fully Protect Today’s Enterprise SaaS Platforms
SaaS vulnerabilities have increased as security practices have lagged. Read on the four steps enterprises can take to improve their SaaS security…
SaaS Security Series: Understanding Salesforce Administrative Permissions
Explore the fundamental elements of leading SaaS applications pivotal for system security, with a detailed focus on the Salesforce permissions framework.
How SaaS-to-SaaS Apps Can Compromise the Security of SaaS Environments
AppOmni CEO shares why investments in network or endpoint security overlook the biggest security blindspot: SaaS apps and what they’re connected to.
Navigating InfoSec Requirements of APRA CPS 234
See how Australian financial services organizations — and their SaaS providers — can comply with this critical regulation’s information security standards.
How to Safeguard PHI From Healthcare SaaS Risks
Learn five critical steps to strengthen your organization’s security culture, protect PHI, and maintain regulatory compliance.
AppOmni Earns 2024 Great Place To Work Certification
“Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum—it thrives in an environment of collaboration and support,” said Tina Hawk, Chief People Officer with AppOmni.
OAuth Token: What It Is, How It Works, and Its Vulnerabilities
Learn how OAuth works and the risks of improper OAuth implementation that may introduce attack vectors on your SaaS estate.